in the frenzy to prepare to board the Liberty of the Seas the INSPIRATION just keeps coming! as writers sometimes experience writer's block... i feel that the past two weeks have found me in a void, a black hole or worse... uninspired. thank God it was temporary!! i've been up this week, night after night until 6am, 5am and tonight i'm pushing 4am as i type this. that's what i call INSPIRATION!! i don't want to sleep but i must... i have appointments all day tomorrow :) yea rock candy! TOP: natural pink agate with bali silver necklace. BOTTOM: feldspath graphic with hill-tribe silver. the color is true, no photoshopping here. it's something new i found this week so stand by for a series of goodies with this stone! make today count, tomorrow is promised to no one. xo
taking the collection on the Liberty of the Seas this weekend has me playing in all of the treasures of the ocean. and no, it wasn't planned... these things just tend to happen. (God's steering this rig, and He LOVES it when a plan comes together)
earlier tonight i was working with MOP and coin pearls... all in the cream and beige family. as the evening, who am i's 4am, as the morning has gone on, i've brought out the black MOP and offset it with faceted chunks of Pink Opal. these pieces of Pink Opal are purple (that tends to happen too). something tells me these two would have never met had they not been joined on my workspace. call it a hunch.
oh, and the title of this post totally is a LOST throwback. (it's late, what can i say?)
i'm in what you might call a brown, creamy, pearly phase. it won't last, but it's a phase even still. TOP: Brown Agate Slice with Sardonyx stones & Swarovski Crystal . MIDDLE: Sardonyx & Mother Of Pearl (love, love, love!) BOTTOM: Coin Pearls & Mother Of Pearl. (any further references to Mother of Pearl, i'll use "MOP")