for the ninth season, my crew & i adorned
fisher island for Christmas.
and as usual i forget to take enough pictures!
i am hired by the club, so the trees i do for them
are in the Mansion, Hotel, Snooker Club, Salon, Spa,
Golf Links, Market, Trattoria & Catering Dept.
all with different themes & color schemes.
we also do some garlands, wreaths and bows
here & there like the Porto Cochere, Tennis Center,
Garwood Lounge & two over-head archways.
i use fresh frazier fir trees...they smell so GOOD!
i highly recommend getting your trees from
KB Christmas Trees - 109th & Biscayne
Kevin personally goes into the mountains to
hand-pick every tree.
if i heard it once i heard it a hundred times this week,
(and that came before the first ornament was placed)
if you came to my apartment you'd NEVER guess
i am a holiday decorator...
you won't find a bow, a tree or even a strand of
lights!! not even a twig!
it's been this way ever since i took on this project
with fisher island...by the time it's said & done,
i can't even imagine getting out my decor!
it was a great year, it went very smoothly thanks
in part to the weather & mostly due to my
dedicated crew!
we closed the week with a FEAST
at Lime Fresh Mexican!
one of my guys put a reminder in his phone
that i take them again next year upon finishing!
Happy Bellies!
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